+56 22 69 64258 EL GALEÓN


Restaurant El Galeón It is located in
San Pablo 943, Mercado Central, local 26, Santiago de Chile. Reservations or telephone consultations, please call

+56 22 69 64258,

or filling out the contact form.

Our business hours: Monday to Sunday from 10:00 am to 9:30 pm

book or contact El Galeón

1 + 6 =

Restaurante El Galeón


Hours of operation:

Monday to Sunday:

10:00 AM a 21:30 PM

We wait for you in:

Mercado Central

San Pablo 943, Local 26

Santiago de Chile

Free Parking:

For all our clients:

Calle Artesanos 948,

Steps from Mercado Central


+56 22 69 64258